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Video (above) by Gina Torre for Community Arts Partnership (CAP) at College for Creative Studies (CCS) 2021 CAP Student Art Exhibition, Detroit MI

Photos (below) by Gina Torre of CAP 2021 Student Art Exhibition, Detroit MI

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Student shadow puppets for "Journey to Rainbow World and Turkeyland"

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3rd grade students at Gardner Elementary, Detroit, created this story scroll "Journey to Rainbow World and Turkeyland" out of collaborative stories and sketches. It tells the story of a young hero who leaves home, wanders deep into the forbidden forest, and finds the wonderful candy-filled Rainbow World where flowers dance and sing "lalala". But the inhabitants of Rainbow World are ruled over by the Turkey King and the guards of Turkeyland who keep all the candy to themselves. What will happen? Can our hero liberate the candy from the Turkey Palace? Students created various characters and through improvisation and play, acted out this story in unique renditions.

In a typical performance, students would enter their characters into the environment of the moving scroll by placing their shadow puppets over the overhead projector.


"Journey to Rainbow World and Turkeyland" by Gardner 3rd Grade students - full shadow scroll (above) and up close segments (below)

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Demonstration of the story scroll "Journey to Rainbow World and Turkeyland" in motion (above). More student story scrolls from other schools (below).

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See videos of students playing and devising shadow shows below.

Further down is a gallery of student work and process for making shows.

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